10 Questions To Ask When Buying A Designer Diamond Engagement Ring

Buying an engagement ring is certainly an occasion that most men hold dearly. The engagement is the formalization of a relationship and is an event almost as significant as the wedding itself.
This is why anyone intending to buy an engagement ring should plan ahead.
Below are the 10 questions you should ask if you intend to buy the ideal designer diamond engagement ring:
1. Colours, Shapes, And Styles
To buy the ideal engagement ring, you need to know what colours, shapes and styles your fiancée would prefer on the ring you buy her. This would eliminate the awkwardness that would arise when you present her with a ring she can’t return. Ask one of your fiancée’s friends about her preferences.
2. Know the ring size
There would be nothing as annoying as finding out that the ring is either too small or too big for your fiancée. To be on the safe side, the ring size for most women falls between 6 and 6.5. However, it shouldn’t be difficult to ask one of her friends or family to get the ring size for you.
3. Find a skilled craftsperson
At the jewellery store, you should ask to speak to an actual jeweller in place of a salesperson. This is because a jeweller or designer is better placed to answer your queries no matter how specific or vague.
4. Custom rings cheaper special-order modification
In some cases, you might discover that a custom ring is cheaper that one bought from the display. This is usually because the custom job lacks an inventory overhead.
5. Payment options
It would be prudent to inquire of the payment options that the jewellery shop accepts, especially if the ring you choose significantly exceeds your initial budget.
6. Insurance appraisal
Prior to concluding the purchase, you should ask to have the ring appraised for insurance purposes. Jewellery insurance is the way to go, especially for such a small item of considerable value.
7. Smaller stones instead of one large one
If getting the stone that gives you the exact sparkle you desire exceeds your budget quite notably, then you should ask whether you can have multiple smaller stones instead of a single large one. It is possible to attain the same sparkle at a far lower price.
8. The wedding band
It is always desirable to have the wedding band match the engagement ring. This is why you should inquire whether the store has a wedding ring in the same style as the engagement ring. It is even possible to benefit from a discount by buying both from the same jewellers.
9. Exchange policy/return policy
It is advisable to inquire whether the jewellery store has existing policy on the return of items sold. This would save you from the disaster of finding out you cannot return the ring if things don’t work out.
10. Cleaning
Finally, before leaving the jewellery shop, you should ask how the diamond ring you are buying ought to be cleaned. You certainly want the ring to remain flawless for as long as possible.
Hopefully, now you’re ready to start your search for the most beautiful diamond engagement ring you can find for your loved one.